Thursday, July 05, 2012

Iran: Ahmadinejad - Iran has never been after revenge

Source: IRNA

Tehran, July 5, IRNA – IRI President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Wednesday in a meeting with new Portuguese ambassador to Tehran, despite suffering lots of hardships due to Europeans’ behavior, Iran has never been after taking revenge.

According to the IRNA Wednesday night news team, the IRI Presidential Office information website further reported President Ahmadinejad as saying in his Wednesday evening meeting with the new Portuguese Ambassador to Iran, Mario Fernando Damash Nunes, “The international relations must be regulated based on mutual friendship and respect among the governments and nations and no nation can keep on living without friendly and constructive relations with the other nations.”

The president pointed out that the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Portugal have had good and constructive relations during the course of the past two decades, reiterating, “Iran is always willing to have good and improving relations with entire world countries.”

President Ahmadinejad pointed out that the Iranian nation has suffered numerous blows from the side of European countries, such as those during the course of the eight year (Iraqi) imposed war, but the Iranians have never been after taking revenge.

He furthermore, reiterated, “Of course Portugal’s stands at that time were positive, but many European countries have encountered the Iranian nation antagonistically, without having any logical reason for doing so.”

The IRI President added, “Today, too, it is not clear what the European governments and the European Union get out of enmity and opposition against Iran, and of course we believe these stands are imposed by the oppressor powers against the European governments.”

The president said, “Iran is interested in expansion of comprehensive relations with Portugal, including cultural, tourism, sports, scientific and technological relations, based on rules of justice and mutual respect.”

Ahmadinejad pointed out that the current era of the world is reaching its end, arguing, “The order and approach that is in effect in management of the world today is on a declining trend and parallel with its permanent loss of energy, it becomes clear for the mankind that it has nothing to present to them. The world is in need of a new world order based on justice and respect, under whose supportive umbrella the entire nations would be able to have constructive participation in the world management.”

The new ambassador of Portugal to Iran, too, in the meeting while presenting a copy of his credentials to President Ahmadinejad, referred to the long and historic relations between Iran and Portugal, particularly during the course of the past twenty years, saying, “We need to spend efforts aimed at expansion of bilateral ties in various cultural, sports, political and academic fields.”

The Portuguese ambassador said that the EU is comprised of 27 countries today, and sometimes Portugal cannot put through its stands at that Union, reiterating, “I hope the EU would soon revise its relations with the Iranian nation; Portugal is in favor of the Iranian nation’s rights, as well as their security and peace of mind, believing that the nations can make a beautiful and humane world only through cooperation with each other.”

He meanwhile appreciated the Islamic Republic of Iran’s humanitarian and precious role regarding the refugees issue and their problems.