Saturday, September 08, 2012

Canada: Iran - Canada's government pursuing radical racist views

Source: IRNA

Tehran, Sept 7, IRNA – Foreign Ministry spokesman, Ramin Mehmanparast, said that the incumbent Canadian government with Stephen Harper as prime minister is known with radical views in foreign policy.

Mehmanparast made the above remarks in reaction to recent statements of Canada's Foreign Minister John Baird.

He referred to numerous and hostile measures by the Canadian government against the Iranian society of Canada as closing down the visa section of the Canadian Embassy in Tehran and freezing the accounts of Iranians, as well as blocking cash transfer for Iranian university students of Canada.

'Hostile attitude of the Canadian racist government is indeed pursuing the policies as dictated by the Zionist regime and the UK,' Mehmanparast added.

The spokesman noted that the government of Canada tried hard to prevent Iran from holding the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit which failed due to negligence of participating countries and international personalities.

He pointed out that the closure of the Canadian Embassy in Tehran by Canada's government is in continuation of Harper's anti-Iran policies and an obvious breach of international law.