Saturday, September 08, 2012

Guinea: UN envoy welcomes Electoral Commission chief’s resignation

Said Djinnit, Secretary-General’s Special Representative for West Africa. UN Photo/P. Filgueiras

UN 7 September 2012 – The United Nations envoy for West Africa today welcomed the resignation of the President of Guinea’s National Independent Election Commission (CENI), noting that the announcement was crucial towards resolving the country’s ongoing political impasse.

In a press statement released by the UN Office for West Africa (UNOWA), Said Djinnit, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative in the region, said that Louceny Camara’s declared intention to step down from his position as President of CENI is an important step in paving the way towards a new round of legislative elections.

“Said Djinnit encourages all parties to build on this momentum and engage constructively in discussions on the re-composition of the National Independent Electoral Commission,” said the statement. “He also encourages the Guinean stakeholders to reach a compromise on the technical arrangements for the holding of the legislative polls.”

Guinea has been affected by political tumult since Captain Moussa Dadis Camara seized power in a coup in 2008, following the death of long-time president Lansana Conté. In November 2010, the election of Alpha Condé as President was the final stage of an interim Government’s efforts to set the stage for democracy in the country.

According to media reports, Mr. Camara’s imminent resignation follows accusations by Guinean political stakeholders that the electoral commission chief was using his office as a pretext for delaying the elections.
The UNOWA statement, which reiterated the UN’s commitment to providing assistance in preparing and holding the elections, further noted Mr. Djinnit’s readiness to continue working closely with all parties to foster an environment conducive to free, fair and credible elections.