Source: Human Rights Watch
Upholding Rights Includes Access to Legal Abortion
(London) – The tragic death of a woman denied an abortion in Ireland should
catalyze the Irish government to fulfill its international human rights
obligation to ensure access to safe and legal abortions. Savita
Halappanavar, 31, who was 17 weeks pregnant, died from septicemia on
October 28, 2012 at a hospital in Galway after she was refused an
abortion and miscarried.
By permitting women
who are entitled to obtain a legal abortion to do so, Ireland would be
making progress on its pledge during its recent successful bid to win a
seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council to strengthen human
rights within Ireland, Human Rights Watch said.
“The Irish government knows full well what is required to meet
Ireland’s human rights obligations with respect to access to abortion,
but has chosen to shirk that responsibility,” said Aisling Reidy, senior
legal advisor at Human Rights Watch. “The spotlight that one family’s
terrible loss of life has shone on this failing could help to end this
unacceptable, damaging, and sometimes lethal state of affairs.”
Halappanavar went to University Hospital Galway with pregnancy-related
pains on October 21, and when she began to miscarry sought an abortion
but was refused. She suffered a miscarriage and several days later died
of blood poisoning. Three inquiries into Halappanaver’s death – by the
national Health Service Executive (HSE), the state Coroner’s office, and
the hospital itself – are underway. Abortion is illegal in Ireland in
almost all circumstances, except where the woman’s life is in danger,
and patients and service providers face potential penalties of up to
life in prison for procuring an abortion.
In 1992 the Irish Supreme Court ruled that a pregnant woman or girl
whose life was in danger could legally obtain an abortion in Ireland,
but successive governments have failed to legislate to permit women who
are entitled to an abortion to access one. In December 2010, the
European Court of Human Rights, in the case of ABC v Ireland, confirmed
that the inability of girls and women whose pregnancies are
life-threatening to access abortions in Ireland is a violation of
Ireland’s obligation under the European Convention on Human Rights.
Human Rights Watch’ s 2010 report, “A State of Isolation,”
details the ways in which current abortion policies violate Ireland’s
international human rights obligations. No obstetrician or physician
interviewed for the report was able to cite a single case in which an
abortion had been legally performed in Ireland. The refusal of
successive governments to provide adequate guidelines ensuring access to
abortion, even in the limited circumstances contemplated by Irish law,
means women living in Ireland are compelled to travel to access a basic
medical procedure. Service providers told Human Rights Watch that
significant numbers of women are not able to travel, and therefore are
forced to carry on their pregnancies or undergo an illegal abortion.
This group includes women who cannot afford to travel, some immigrant
and asylum seeking women, and women too ill to travel.
“Ireland’s restrictive abortion laws have meant women facing crisis
pregnancies and serious health risks may be denied full access to health
care, accurate information, and objective and complete advice on their
medical options,” Reidy said. “Abortion is an emotive issue in Ireland
as elsewhere, but facing a difficult debate is no excuse for the
government to maintain an abusive status quo that violates women’s
fundamental rights.”
In January the Irish government established an Expert Panel to
“elucidate” the implications of the ABCcase “for the provision of
healthcare services to pregnant women in Ireland, and to recommend a
series of options on how to implement the judgment.” On November 13,
Irish Prime Minster Taoiseach Enda Kenny informed the Dail (parliament)
that Health Minister James O’Reilly had just received the report from
the Expert Panel, but indicated no timetable of when he would present
the report to the Cabinet.
On the same day that the health minister received the Expert Panel
report, Ireland was elected to a seat on the UN Human Rights Council.
During its campaign for council membership, Ireland made a commitment to
the full promotion of human rights in its domestic policy and to uphold
and strengthen human rights at home. Listing the core international
human rights treaties to which Ireland is a party, including the
Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW),
the Irish government stated its “determination to achieve full respect
for human rights in practice.” However, over the past decade various
Irish governments have ignored multiple appeals by UN human rights
bodies to address the right to abortion amongst women’s health rights.
In July 2005, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination
against Women, which is responsible for monitoring compliance with
CEDAW, reiterated its “concern about the consequences of the very
restrictive abortion laws [in Ireland].” In 2008, echoing the call it
first made in 2000, the UN Human Rights Committee, which oversees
compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights, to which Ireland is party, expressed its regret that Ireland had
failed to make any progress to ensure that women were not forced to
continue with unwanted pregnancies. It urged the government to “take
measures to help women avoid unwanted pregnancies so that they do not
have to resort to illegal or unsafe abortions that could put their lives
at risk … or have abortions abroad.”
In 2011, the UN Committee against Torture noted that the “risk of
criminal prosecution and imprisonment facing both the women concerned
and their physicians” may indicate a breach of the Convention against
Torture. The Committee said it was “concerned further that, despite the
already existing case law allowing for abortion, no legislation is in
place and that this leads to serious consequences in individual cases,
especially affecting minors, migrant women, and women living in
poverty.” It urged Ireland to enact legislation to clarify procedures
for accessing abortion, in conformity with the Convention.
“To win a seat at the Human Rights Council, the Irish government
committed itself to fully promoting human rights at home,” Reidy said.
“Ireland’s first act as a new council member should be to redress this
urgent gap in women’s human rights that previous governments have sadly
failed to do, and that has had deadly consequences.”