Friday, April 26, 2013

Bilateral Relations: Iran, China discuss enhancing scientific, technological cooperation

Source: IRNA

Beijing, April 25, IRNA – Iranian Minister of Sciences, Research and Technology Kamran Daneshjou and President of Chinese Academy of Sciences Bai Chunli in a meeting discussed bilateral scientific and technological ties.

During the meeting in the Chinese capital of Beijing on Thursday, Daneshjou and Bai explored avenues for strengthening scientific and technological cooperation between Iran and China.

During the meeting, the Iranian science minister said his visit to China is aimed at bolstering and reinvigorating relations between Iran and China, and said, 'The scientific relations between the two countries should be further deepened.'

Daneshjou embarked on a four-day visit to China on Tuesday upon an invitation by the Chinese government.

The Iranian science minister pointed to achievements by Iranian scientists and researchers, and said that Iran has jumped to eighth rank in the nanotechnology field in the past six years from the previous 28th rank.

He noted that Iran and China can have good and successful cooperation in the field of nanotechnology, saying that almost all Iranian universities are active in conducting nanotechnology research.

Pointed to the status of Iranian universities, Daneshjou said that the first Iranian satellite has been designed in an Iranian university, adding that the Iranian professors and university students are currently designing passenger aircraft.

The president of Chinese Academy of Sciences, for his part, said that Iran is a strong country in the field of science and technology.

Bai pointed to the programs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences for conducting joint educational and research activities, and said, 'Five research centers of this academy can begin joint and practical work with Iran.'

The president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences noted that his country is ready to grant scholarship to Iranian university students and researchers.

'Our goal is training talents and work forces in such a way as to enable them to make the future of their countries,' Bai said.

'We will be glad to see more Iranians attending the China's Academy of Sciences,' he added.

Bai noted that he visit Iran and was deeply influences by Iran's scientific advancements.

'The meetings between Iranian and Chinese scientists will result in their further familiarization from each other in addition to completing their knowledge and exchanging experiences,' he added.

Daneshjou, who is visiting China, conferred with the professors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The Iranian minister pointed to his talks with Chinese officials in the past two days and visiting several scientific centers.

Daneshjou noted that among areas that Iran and China can broaden their mutual cooperation are aerospace and biotechnology.

He proposed tow research centers from Iran and two research centers from China to begin work on a joint project soon.

Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is a leading academic institution and comprehensive research and development center in natural science, technological science and high-tech innovation in China.

It was founded in Beijing on 1st November 1949 on the basis of the former Academia Sinica (Central Academy of Sciences) and Peiping Academy of Sciences.