Saturday, April 06, 2013

South Korea: South Korean Bloggers Don't Expect War With North

Source: Voice of America

North Korea has raised tensions on the Korean Peninsula with step-by-step threats over the past few months.  This week, Pyongyang said it would close the Kaesong Industrial Complex, a joint manufacturing operation with South Korean companies.

South Korean blogs, along with Facebook pages and Twitter feeds, are full of talk about North Korea.

Most South Koreans online say they do not think the North actually will start a war. “Roar_in_dawn” said, “What Kim Jong Un wants is maintaining power but using nuclear weapons will lead to the collapse of Kim Jong Un.  So a war means nothing to them.”

“Demian80” said, “I think it is impossible for North Korea to start a war with nuclear weapons.”  But he added, “What I really am concerned about is how well we are prepared for their threats.”

Other South Koreans discount the risk of war, but also say their country must not neglect its security.  Blogger “fluiday” said, “We don’t need to be afraid but we should not be slack either.  The neglect of security is the most dangerous.”  Another blogger, “chchqhqh,” who introduces himself as an Army veteran, said, “What I can do as a South Korean is be aware of security and do my work.” “Yoon” said, “The main point that can prevent a worse situation is the strength of the bonds among people.”

Some online posters worry that many of their compatriots are too casual about talking tough about North Korea.  “Xecue” said, “Please don’t think a war is a simple problem....Everyone will get hurt if bombs are dropped.”

Another writer, “Envie23,” said, “I’m so worried that people say that we should attack the DPRK first.  It seems like they are talking about foreign countries.”