Source: Human Rights Watch
City-state Undercuts Status as Financial Center by Expanding Media Censorship to Web
(New York) – The Singaporean government should withdraw an onerous new
licensing requirement for online news sites. The new rules will further
discourage independent commentary and reporting on the Internet in Singapore.
On May 28, 2013, the Media Development Authority, which is controlled
by the Ministry of Communications and Information and is responsible for
regulation of Singapore’s media and publishing industry, announced that
all “online news sites” that reach 50,000 unique viewers per month over
a two-month period must secure a license to operate. The licensing
regime took effect on June 1, and the Media Development Authority
released a list of 10 websites that will initially be impacted, including, Business Times Singapore, and Yahoo! News Singapore.
“Singapore’s new licensing requirement casts a chill over the
city-state’s robust and free-wheeling online communities, and will
clearly limit Singaporeans’ access to independent media,” said Cynthia Wong,
senior Internet researcher at Human Rights Watch. “Websites will be
forced into the role of private censors on behalf of the government.”
The new licensing rules seem intended to impose another check on
popular websites more than to reduce any genuine harms, Human Rights
Watch said. As a condition of the license, websites must comply within
24 hours with any requests from the Media Development Authority to
remove content that the government deems objectionable. Websites are
also required to post a S$50,000 (US$40,000) performance bond to ensure
compliance. “News site” is defined broadly to include any site
containing news or any matter or public interest related to Singapore,
in any language – even if content is provided by a third party, as with
readers’ comments on a website.
On May 30, several major independent websites in Singapore released a joint media statement in
protest, contending that the new rules would “reduce the channels
available to Singaporeans to receive news and analysis of the
socio-political situation in Singapore.” The statement also said that
the new rules would disproportionately harm citizen journalists and
non-commercial, volunteer-run blogging platforms, who will not be able
to afford the performance bond.
A group of bloggers have launched a campaign using
the Twitter hashtag #FreeMyInternet, and on June 6, participants
blacked out their websites to oppose the new rules. Bloggers have also
organized a public event in
Singapore’s Speakers’ Corner in Hong Lim Park on June 8. Online
commentators have expressed concern over the breadth of the definition
of “online news sites,” warning that it could sweep in blogs that
discuss a wide range of issues, and websites that enable users to
discuss online content.
In response to criticism, the Media Development Authority clarified on its Facebook page on
May 31 that, “An individual publishing views on current affairs and
trends on his/her personal website or blog does not amount to news
reporting.” However, in a separate statement, the Authority undermined
this claim by asserting that, “If they [blogs] take on the nature of
news sites, we will take a closer look and evaluate them accordingly.”
The Media Development Authority also asserted that the framework is
“not an attempt to influence the editorial slant of news sites” and that
it will only step in “when complaints are raised to [their] attention,
and [they] assess that the content is in breach of the content
guidelines and merits action by the website owner.”
Singapore’s constitution guarantees the right to freedom of expression,
with exceptions for broadly worded restrictions in the name of
security, public order, morality, and racial and religious harmony.
Print and broadcast media are also subject to annual licensing
requirements. In November 1997, the Media Development Authority
introduced an Internet Code of Practice,
which requires Internet service providers to restrict access to
prohibited material and would apply to websites subject to the new
license. The Code of Practice restricts any content that is “against
public interest” or offends “good taste or decency,” including “material
that advocates homosexuality or lesbianism.”
The definition of what might be deemed “against public interest” is
vague and can be used arbitrarily by the government, leaving the
licensing regime and content regulations open to selective enforcement
and abuse, Human Rights Watch said.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights activists in Singapore have also criticized media censorship laws because
they create a skewed portrayal of LGBT individuals in local, mainstream
media. Given that Singapore still criminalizesmale same-sex relations,
instituting a 24-hour takedown requirement for “material that advocates
homosexuality or lesbianism” on popular websites will only exacerbate
the problem, Human Rights Watch said.
Human Rights Watch said that the licensing regime is inconsistent with
international human rights standards on freedom of expression. Article
19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, widely recognized as
customary international law, provides that “[e]veryone has the right to
freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold
opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
In his May 2011 report to the United Nations Human Rights Council, the
special rapporteur on the promotion and protection of freedom of opinion
and expression, Frank La Rue, wrote that registration and licensing
requirements “cannot be justified in the case of the Internet.”
“Singapore is placing its status as a world-class financial center at
clear risk by extending its record of draconian media censorship to the
digital world,” Wong said.