Source: Human Rights Watch
Despite Promises, Thousands of Boys Face Exploitation, Abuse
(Dakar) – Senegal has
made inadequate progress in protecting thousands of young boys in
Quranic boarding schools from exploitation and often extreme physical
abuse at the hands of their teachers, Human Rights Watch said in a
report released today. The National Assembly should make it a priority
to pass draft legislation aimed at improving living conditions and
ending forced begging in these schools, and the government should
swiftly enforce it.
The 43-page report, “Exploitation in the Name of Education: Uneven Progress in Ending Forced Child Begging in Senegal,” examines
Senegal’s mixed record in addressing the problem in the year since a
fire ripped through a Quranic boarding school in Dakar housed in a
makeshift shack, killing eight boys. After the fire, President Macky
Sall pledged to take immediate action to close schools where boys live
in unsafe conditions or are exploited by teachers, who force them to beg
and inflict severe punishment when the boys fail to return a set quota
of money. While important legislation has advanced, authorities have
taken little concrete action to end this abuse.
“After years of governments paying lip service to the need to regulate
Quranic schools, President Sall’s government has drafted a law that
would finally introduce minimum health, safety, and educational
standards,” said Matt Wells,
West Africa researcher. “The authorities should waste no time in
passing the law and making sure it’s applied. Each day of inaction means
that children suffer in abusive environments.”
Thousands of Quranic teachers across Senegal take great care of boys
whom families have entrusted to them to learn the Quran and obtain a
moral education. But the complete lack of regulation has allowed others
to open Quranic boarding schools in abandoned buildings or dilapidated
hovels that pose a threat to children’s health, safety, and development.
As was the case in the school where the boys died in the fire, the
abusive teachers generally live elsewhere.
This report is based on extensive interviews in October 2013 and
January 2014 with Senegalese civil society activists, government
officials, Quranic teachers, religious authorities, and current and
former students in Quranic boarding schools. It follows the April 2010
Human Rights Watch report, “‘Off the Backs of the Children’: Forced Child Begging and Other Abuses against TalibĂ©s in Senegal,”
which documented in detail how many men had twisted the country’s long
tradition of religious education into a system of exploitation built on
forcing young boys to beg.
Many boys Human Rights Watch interviewed said they were physically
abused when they were unable to bring back the daily begging quota their
teacher imposed. The abuse at times rises to the level of torture,
including brutal beatings with whips, electrical cord, or ropes; being
chained and forced into stress positions for long periods; and being
burned with caustic substances.
In the town of Saint Louis, Human Rights Watch visited two Quranic
schools, inhabited by boys as young as 7, that sit within ten meters of a
garbage dump littered with animal carcasses, car parts, and burned
refuse. In the Dakar suburb of Guédiawaye, at least 150 young boys, some
no older than 6, sleep in an abandoned concrete structure with no door
or windows, no electricity or water – except for pools of rainwater –
hundreds of mosquitoes, and no toilet except for the dirt floor on which
they stand to bathe. As is often the case in Dakar, the boys must each
bring the teacher, who lives elsewhere, 500 CFA francs (US$1) a day from
Similar schools exist in other urban areas throughout the country. Many
are woefully overcrowded, with 20 or more boys sharing the floor of a
small room at night, or choosing instead to brave the elements outside.
Diseases are common, from skin infections to malaria, and those in
charge of the schools are often negligent about obtaining treatment.
The draft law and implementing decrees to introduce regulation and
oversight – which government officials said will soon be presented to
the National Assembly – would be an important step forward. However, the
country has only two full-time inspectors for Quranic schools, which is
woefully insufficient for the thousands of such schools across the
country. An official in the inspectorate said in January 2014, “If we’re
going to inspect or even oversee inspections across Senegal, we need
more personnel, we need more equipment.”
“Senegal has long had good laws on the books to address forced child
begging, but government will to enforce them has been consistently
lacking,” Wells said. “Once the draft law is passed, authorities will
need to show the determination to not only support good Quranic
teachers, but also to remove boys from the many schools that severely
undermine their well-being.”
In the hundreds of schools where exploitation trumps education, boys
sent out to beg must bring back a set quota of money, uncooked rice, and
sugar each day. The money goes into the teacher’s pocket and the
teacher bags and sells the rice and sugar, generating even greater
profits off the boys’ labor, or uses the food for his own family. Many
of these men amass earnings that far exceed what a midlevel government
official makes, much less the average Senegalese wage earner. Boys in
such schools must beg for their own meals, in addition to their daily
An 8-year-old boy in Saint Louis told Human Rights Watch, “I work and
sweat until I have the quota…. Sometimes I go back out [to the streets]
after 5 p.m. to look for my quota…. If I have it, [the Quranic teacher]
won’t beat me. But if I don’t have it, he will beat me.”
As a result of the abuse, many boys choose to sleep on the streets when
they are unable to meet the quota. Accompanying an activist in Saint
Louis one January night, Human Rights Watch came across a 6-year-old boy
sleeping near the bus station at about 2 a.m. He was curled up in a
ball with his t-shirt draped over him as his only defense from the
winter cold. He said he was short 100 CFA francs ($0.20) and scared to
return to the school because he would face a beating.
In 2005, Senegal passed a law that criminalized trafficking and
profiting off of forcing another person to beg. Yet the law has rarely
been enforced. In the year since the fire, Human Rights Watch is aware
of only one prosecution specifically for forcing children to beg,
despite the thousands of children who beg on the streets every day,
often in plain view of police officers.
Dozens of other boys have run away from their schools and are in
contact with government social workers while living in shelters. Despite
their accounts of often extreme exploitation and physical abuse, the
social workers rarely inform prosecutors or investigative judges,
perpetuating the impunity for those who oversee such schools.
However, there are encouraging signs. The Ministry of Justice’s
anti-trafficking unit is spearheading training for judicial authorities
on how to identify and build cases of trafficking and forced child
begging. The unit is also overseeing an exhaustive mapping of Quranic
schools in the Dakar region, identifying schools where children’s rights
are respected, as well as those that are rife with abuse and inhuman
conditions. It plans to extend the mapping nationwide and use it to help
government officials coordinate a more effective response.
The anti-trafficking unit’s head, Judge El Hadji Malick Sow, told Human
Rights Watch in January, “We’re working so that [the law’s enforcement]
develops further, becomes more common, so that the police have the
means to go on the ground and work with children who are victims,
identify the so-called teachers who send them on the street…. We need
the Ministries of Justice, Interior, and Defense to work together so
that the law is applied rigorously.”
Many of Senegal’s religious leaders, including Quranic teachers, have
joined Senegalese activists in denouncing the abuse in certain Quranic
schools. High-level religious authorities in Touba told Human Rights
Watch that to even call these places of exploitation “schools,” or those
leading them “teachers,” was an insult to the real sites of religious
“President Sall’s government has many allies in waiting among religious
authorities and the broader population,” Wells said. “He should swiftly
seize the opportunity to put an end to the system of exploitation that
threatens to leave thousands of kids with an education only in how to
survive on the streets.”