Photo: Kate Holt/IRIN. Man and beast: Cows are central to the economy and social fabric of South Sudan.
Source: IRIN
Cows and conflict: South Sudan's “slow motion” livestock crisis
By Andrew Green
KAMPALA, 15 January 2015 (IRIN) - At 11 million head, cattle outnumber
people in South Sudan and are central to the country’s economy and
society. Now, 13 months of civil war have disrupted traditional
migration routes and disease patterns in a way that has sparked fresh
cycles of violence and jeopardized the country's broader social
South Sudan’s cattle are in danger of becoming “no longer resilient, no
longer economically viable, not a viable way of life,” Sue Lautze,
country head of the Food and Agriculture Organization, told IRIN.
According to FAO, as a result of widespread displacement of livestock,
“tribal conflicts, cattle raids, and disease outbreaks have all
intensified on an unprecedented scale, threatening the national herd and
tearing at the social, political, and economic fabric of South Sudan.”
Twenty-five-year-old pastoralist John Mabil, who also works as a teacher, is already bearing the impact.
“Right now, I am doomed,” he said from Juba.
His journey began from his home in Bor, capital of Jonglei state.
Conflict forced him to flee first to neigbouring Lakes State, then to
Juba, and then to Kakuma, a refugee camp in northern Kenya.
In the camp, he hatched a plan: he would sell a handful of his 25
cattle to pay for a university education in Uganda. Armed with the
degree, he would return to a better job in a peaceful South Sudan and
use his remaining cows as a down payment on a dowry. He would marry,
start a family and, in time, forget the war.
Infection risks
Back in Juba in January, Mabil got a call from his father, who tends his
cattle. Eleven were dead. Several more have since fallen sick and will
likely die. There will be no university education, Mabil said. All his
plans were shot.
From the symptoms he described – bloody diarrhea, loss of appetite – the
cattle probably succumbed to the tick-borne East Coast Fever. The
disease is prevalent in the area of southeastern South Sudan where
Mabil’s father had taken the animals to graze. He knew the risk of
infection and would normally never have driven the animals that far
south, but it was the only place he felt they were safe from the war.
He is among the thousands of pastoralists who have been forced to
abandon traditional migration patterns in a desperate search for
security, according to an FAO report, which warned of a “new crisis unfolding in slow motion.”
FAO estimates that at least 80 percent of South Sudan’s population
relies on cattle to some degree. For many groups – adolescents,
lactating mothers, herders – it is their main source of nutrition.
Cattle represent much more than food, though. “If you want to get
married, there’s livestock involved,” Lautze said. “If you want to
resolve a dispute without getting killed, there’s livestock involved. If
you want to celebrate, to atone, there’s livestock involved… Livestock
are an amazing livelihood resource.”
Bankable assets
They are also “the primary bankable asset for most South Sudanese
people,” said Lindsay Hamsik, a spokesperson for the non-profit group
Mercy Corps, which specializes in long-term recovery. That means that if
a family member falls ill or food runs short, a cow is sold off to buy
medicine or new supplies.
Though the UN and NGOs assist, South Sudan’s government – well aware
of the social and economic primacy of cattle – has traditionally taken
the lead on animal health and protection. The army and police are
deployed during the country’s dry season to deter cattle raids and
community-based animal health workers assist with vaccinations.
But now conflict has taken precedence over the animals. The
government has shifted resources from caring for livestock to the war
effort, according to Lautze. The current national budget allocates
around $130 million to be split between all natural resources activities
– livestock projects, but also emergency food security and the salaries
of Wildlife Service officers. In comparison, the security budget is
more than $1.3 billion. Lautze said the Ministry of Animal Resources,
home to her main government partners, has not had electricity since well
before Christmas. Meanwhile, humanitarians lack the resources to offset
all of the cutbacks.
The effects are already evident. There is an immediate risk of
violence, both from cattle raiding and between farmers and herders
competing for the same land.
According to FAO, “there has been large-scale and long-distance
displacement of livestock from the conflict-affected states into
agricultural zones outside their traditional pastoral domains.”
Moreover, “the areas where these herds have relocated have witnessed
intensive and continuous movements of livestock concentrated in small
areas. The arrival of large numbers of livestock … has challenged the
local power structures, squeezed natural resource availability, and
altered disease patterns.” That in turn is leading to confrontation.
Mabil’s father, for instance, faced threats as he drove cows through
farming land in the country’s southeast. Agriculturalists “are becoming
unfriendly,” Mabil said, angered by the destruction the cattle are
wreaking on their crops.
“They killed some cows and when we asked them why, they started to
fight,” he said. There are few officials available to mediate these
conflicts or security officers to offer protection.
And then there are the diseases. East Coast Fever, but also Foot and
Mouth Disease, which can spoil milk production, and trypanosomiasis,
which is transmitted by tsetse flies and can cause wasting and
ultimately death. In the midst of the fighting, it is impossible to keep
statistics on livestock morbidity and mortality, Lautze said, but the
anecdotal reports are enough to raise an alarm. Earlier this month, one
community lost 8,000 cattle to liver flukes – a parasite that is easily
treatable in normal circumstances. “This isn’t a problem we should
have,” she said.
As with most crises, South Sudan’s poorest families are being hit hardest, Mercy Corps’ Hamsik said.
“Shocks are going to have larger affects on smaller herds. Smaller
herds are typically carried by more food-insecure households,” she said.
A shock isn’t even necessarily a death. An individual cow’s illness is
enough to spell economic ruin for some families. There is the immediate
loss of milk as a source of nutrition for the household, but it also
becomes less likely the cow will reproduce and its trade value wanes.
The scale of the current crisis is now well beyond the individual
household level, though, with the potential to sink entire communities.
Threats to markets
Shrinking collateral is making it more difficult for traders to
secure goods, especially where fighting has disrupted normal trade
routes and sent prices skyrocketing. There is a risk that markets, which
would normally subsidize a community’s harvest and get people –
including farmers or merchants – through the lean season, could dry up.
Many markets in the areas most affected by the conflict are already
struggling. That could be catastrophic, especially to the 2.5 million
people international experts predict will be suffering from severe food insecurity by March of this year.
And then there are the long-term implications. “Any kind of crisis
with cattle isn’t merely a crisis that will have an effect on food
security,” Hamsik said. It has put marriages and educations on hold and
will make it more difficult for people to emerge from poverty.
The FAO is already hurriedly trying to patch together an immunization
system to combat some of the emerging diseases, beginning with the
delivery of solar-powered refrigerators to store vaccines until they can
be injected. But the organization is starting virtually from scratch.
Peace is really the only viable solution, Lautze said, to allow
herders to reestablish their traditional routes, return their cattle to
health and rebuild markets and communities. But if fighting continues –
and it has flared again this month – the country’s pastoralists “are
going to lose the herd they need to resiliently recover.”